We Fix Credit Report Errors

Your credit score is the most important pieces of information in your financial life.

Your credit score is directly determined by the information on your credit report.

We help you fix your credit report to improve your credit score. Improving your score improves your life.

Increasing your credit score:

  • Increases your chances of getting many jobs.
  • Increases your chances of getting an apartment.
  • Reduces how much you pay for credit.
  • Reduces how much you pay for insurance.
  • Helps you get loans for important milestones like a car or your own home.

We have helped dozens of clients fix errors their credit report and thereby improve their credit score. We’ve helped our clients improve their score so that they can qualify for a home loan or other credit. Please call or email us today to see if we can help you too. The call and consultation are free.

Types of Credit Report Errors

  • Identity Theft
  • Mixed or Mismerged Filings
  • Inadequate or Incorrect Furnisher Errors
  • Deliberate Re-aging of Debt
  • Public Record Errors

Need a Free Attorney’s Review of Your Credit Report?

Call me at (502) 473-6525 today. Like the initial consultation, the call is free!

Credit Report Errors can Cost You Thousands $$$

A recent study by the Federal Trade Center (“FTC”) found that 40 million Americans had errors on their credit reports and 20 million had serious errors on their reports. But only one in five consumers had an error that was corrected by a credit reporting agency after it was disputed. Some of the credit report errors that we see and help correct on a recurring basis include:

  • Stale credit information on credit reports, especially old medical debt.
  • Judgments or tax liens incorrectly reported, including paid judgments and liens that are not reported as satisfied.
  • Incorrect payment histories, which happens often with mortgages and student loans.
  • Bankruptcy information incorrectly reported: debts not being reported as discharged in bankruptcy or falsely reported as being included in bankruptcy.
  • Identity Theft Issues, which often involves theft by relatives, friends, and ex’s.
  • Impermissible credit report requests: requests for credit reports that you did not authorize. This is always a potential problem when you apply for a car loan. Each impermissible hard credit inquiry could decrease your credit score by up to five points.
  • Credit information that is not yours, e.g. information belonging to someone else, including relatives like parents or siblings, spouses and ex spouses, and complete unknown strangers.

These and other errors could be costing you thousands of dollars by causing you to be charged more for credit, to pay higher insurance rates, to be denied credit, or to lose a job or an apartment. If you have or suspect that you have errors on your credit report, please call or email us today for a free credit report review and consultation.

Need a Free Attorney’s Review of Your Credit Report?

Call me at (502) 473-6525 today. Like the initial consultation, the call is free!

Shocked by Errors on your Credit Report?

We get it. Your credit is your financial life. Credit Report errors can cost you dearly. We can help fix those errors and fix your financial life.

  • Have you been rejected for a job, mortgage, apartment, car loan, credit, or credit card, or your credit score decreased because of errors on your credit reports?
  • Are you the victim of Identity Theft?
  • Has someone pulled your credit report without your permission (this happens often with vehicle loan applications)?
  • Are there mistakes on your credit reports, such as:
    • Judgments or tax liens incorrectly reported, including paid judgments and liens being reported as unpaid?
    • Incorrect payment histories (this happens often with mortgages, student loans, and bankruptcies)?
    • Bankruptcy information incorrectly reported: debts not being reported as discharged in bankruptcy or falsely reported as included in bankruptcy?
    • Stale credit information, especially old medical debt?

If so, we can help you fix those errors and get you the compensation you deserve. If we find that you have a valid case, we will represent you on a contingency basis. WE ONLY GET PAID IF WE WIN OR SETTLE. So you won’t owe us anything up front. Please call or email us today to set up your free credit report review and analysis.

No Cost Solutions

We’ve found that litigation gets results when dispute letters fail. A lawsuit gets the attention of credit reporting agencies and furnishers of credit information in a way that a letter never will. If you have a valid claim, we can represent you on contingency basis so that we only get paid by the defendants and not by you.

We regularly sue credit reporting agencies and furnishers and users of credit information under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”). The FCRA regulates credit reporting agencies; users of information (those who review your credit report in connection with an application for credit or for employment, etc.); and furnishers of information to credit reporting agencies. The FCRA is a powerful tool, but is a complicated piece of legislation.

We can help you harness the full power of the FCRA to correct false and incorrect information on your credit report. The FCRA allows a successful plaintiff to recover his or her attorney’s fees and costs. This lets us to represent you with no up-front cost: We only get paid if you do. Also, you may recover statutory damages of up to $1,000.00 plus all of your actual damages like credit losses, lost employment, denial of credit, humiliation, mental distress, or injury to reputation and creditworthiness.

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